Management and administrative procedures

Save time and money byexternalizing your administrative processes

Management and administrative procedures


Don´t waste your time doing errands that you could delegate to others

Interactions with the Administration

  • Interactions and business of all kinds with the administration
  • Presentation of documents and claims in town halls
  • Presentation of documents and claims in the ministry of finance
  • Presentation of documents and claims in cadastral offices
  • Presentation of documents in the property register
  • In general, representation of the client in any relationship that he may have with the Spanish administration, either to make a claim or to defend himself before it


  • Residences and NIE numbers
  • Obtaining Apostilles and Foreign Documents.
  • Management of powers of attorney in Spain and in the European Union.
  • Private and legally translations.
  • Presentation of all types of documents to public and/or private bodies.
  • Form completion.
  • Faith of Life.
  • Presentation of documents in Public Records.
  • Management of payments of IBI and Solid Waste tax.
  • Energy efficiency certificates.
  • Obtaining licenses to open an establishment/business
  • Licenses and legalization of building work.
  • Registration of company domiciles
  • Insurance.

Have you received a notification from the Tax Authority? Have you had a problem with the cadastre

We process any type of administrative file, appeal or requirement before the Public Administration for you. We have all received at some point a notification from the Tax Authoirity, an inspection, an order from the Town Hall, a tax claim, a problem with the cadastre office, etc. Whether you reside in Spain permanently or occasionally, it is important to be well represented with the public administratcion such as City Councils, Regional Ministries and Ministries of the Spanish State. Save time with our independent document management and consulting service There are minor and complementary procedures to others of greater importance, but they are still important and necessary. Our management and administrative staff will be the ones who, in an efficient and dynamic way, will be in charge of processing those matters related to your legal file. Or those procedures that you may need independently and punctually without you having to waste a morning of your time solving it.  

Frequently Asked Questions about Legal Services in Spain

Of course. Our working system allows us to handle your affairs throughout Spain, especially on the Spanish coast.

In most cases it is not necessary for you to travel to Spain, as we can represent you by power of attorney in most transactions, such as buying and selling properties, inheritances, formalities before and with the Spanish authorities or court proceedings.

To sign a power of attorney, you do not have to come to Spain. You can sign it in front of a Notary in your country

Yes, we have partners in most European countries. This is a great advantage in carrying out our work. You can contact us by sending us an e-mail. We look forward to seeing you

We are an international law firm and strive for a broad linguistic coverage. There is always someone in our team who speaks English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French.

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