Real Estate Transactions

Make your property investments profitable being represented by lawyer experts in real estate transactions

Real estate transactions

The involvement of a lawyer expert in a property investment will help you to examine from a legal point of view whether the purchase of said property is secure and will be processed legally correct and protecting your interests
If you are a seller, it is equally important to organize the legal status of the sale. A real estate agency does its selling job, but cannot guarantee to sell with legal and fiscal security and guarantees. Rely on a specialized legal team.
Building and refurbishing a property in Spain requires thorough technical and legal controls. Are you considering purchasing a building-plot and build your own house or buying a house to renovate? This is the service you need to make it profitable.
The Land Registry and Cadastre Office contain valuable information about the property, land or premises that you are willing to buy or sell. But one has to know how to interpret it and specially, know how to make the corresponding corrections to adapt it to the current legal requests. This is one of the first steps we will take for you.
Urban planning legality becomes essential particularly when one is willing to expand, reform, or build, but especially to verify if there are any irregularities. Knowing the urban situation of your investment object is very important and avoids financial losses
Here, one should pay special attention. Spanish taxation is complex and therefore requires a tax advisor who is familiar with and specialized in the taxation of real estate transactions in Spain.

Lawyers experts in Real estate Transactions

Find out why you need a lawyer expert in Real Estate Law

Buying a property at the Spanish Coast

The involvement of a lawyer expert in a property investment will help you to examine from a legal point of view whether the purchase of said property is secure and will be processed legally correct and protecting your interests.

Selling your property in Spain

If you are a seller, it is equally important to organize the legal status of the sale. A real estate agency does its selling job, but cannot guarantee to sell with legal and fiscal security and guarantees. Rely on a specialized legal team.

Construction and reforms

Building and refurbishing a property in Spain requires thorough technical and legal controls. Are you considering purchasing a building-plot and building  your own house or buying a house to renovate? This is the service you need to make it profitable.

Cadastre and Land Registry

The Land Registry and Cadastre Office contain valuable information about the property, land or premises that you are willing to buy or sell. But one has to know how to interpret it and specially, know how to make the corresponding corrections to adapt it to the current legal requests. This is one of the first steps we will take for you.

Urban planning and urban legality

Urban planning legality becomes essential particularly when one is willing to expand, reform, or build, but especially to verify if there are any irregularities. Knowing the urban situation of your investment object is very important and avoids financial losses.

Taxes in Spain

This is a particularly complex área which requires particular attention. Spanish taxation is complex and therefore requires a tax advisor who is familiar with and specialized in the taxation of real estate transactions in Spain

Conveyancing in Spain

For a property transfer to become a pleasure but never a bad experience read this

90% of investors who face a property transaction without legal and tax advice end up losing money. Whether a transfer of assets becomes a successful experience depends fundamentally on whether or not the transaction was conducted from an appropriate legal standpoint. The intervention of professionals in the transfer of property is absolutely necessary. You can do all the paperwork by hiring a lawyer who knows the laws in Spain The lawyer and the real estate agent must work together to achieve the goal: that you can enjoy being a carefree homeowner. The legal and technical aspects of a transaction of this magnitude require good legal and technical expertise. And everything that is agreed, what protects you or the legal obligations you acquire, must be set out in a contract, which is why contracting is so important. The Spanish courts are full of proceedings of people who where badly advised For those who do not want to have legal problems in their property transfers or unforeseen problems that are avoidable, we have a team working for them.  

Frequently Asked Questions about Legal Services in Spain

Of course. Our working system allows us to handle your affairs throughout Spain, especially on the Spanish coast.

In most cases it is not necessary for you to travel to Spain, as we can represent you by power of attorney in most transactions, such as buying and selling properties, inheritances, formalities before and with the Spanish authorities or court proceedings.

To sign a power of attorney, you do not have to come to Spain. You can sign it in front of a Notary in your country

Yes, we have partners in most European countries. This is a great advantage in carrying out our work. You can contact us by sending us an e-mail. We look forward to seeing you

We are an international law firm and strive for a broad linguistic coverage. There is always someone in our team who speaks English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French.

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