New development plan.
As we all know, the development plan is the instrument that regulates the territory of a municipality, the plan classifies the land, it establishes which regulation has to be applied depending on the type of land and in general the territory is legally regulated. Summed up, it is the building “law” of a municipality.
In Jávea/Xabia, the 7th of June a pre-version of the new development plan has been published at the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana, which should be the new urbanistic “law” since the current plan has been approved in 1990 and does not longer adapt to the current building regulations. The approbation of a new plan has been necessary for quite a while.
The aforementioned plan is open for 3 months for public participation and questions. The term ends the 7th of September. This public participation is very important since the new plan contains a lot of changes and the citizens have the right of manifesting their opinion regarding these changes.
Once the term of 3 months has finished, the Town Hall has to answer the presented appeals in a term of 6 months and afterwards starts a process of terms, issuing of reports, etc.
It is very important to mention that everyone who thinks is affected by the changes of the aforementioned plan, presents their appeal in the corresponding legal term.